E. Poole are certified with the ISO 9001 Quality Standard. As such our quality management systems are audited annually by external assessors to ensure they comply with the ISO 9001 standard.
As a business we are committed to the highest quality standards across all aspects of our operations. This commitment is demonstrated in the processes we employ, the quality of our product and calibre of our operatives and management team.
E. Poole are also members of Dulux Trade contract Partnership, an exclusive membership scheme of independently assessed, quality assured painting contractors.
"E. Poole's approach, driven down to site level, demonstrates a commitment to programme that does not compromise quality or design"
Check out our Case Studies
Binfield Learning Village
Blossom House
Financial Services
Archway Tower
Imperial College Buildings
Kings Court - Covent Garden
Newfoundland - Canary Wharf
One Blackfriars Tower
Project Endeavour
St George's Wharf, The Tower
ULC - Student Centre
Withers LLP
Businesses we have worked with...
Our Accreditations
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